Friday 24 July 2015

Rules of Life


1. Men are moved by what they see while women are deceived by what they hear.
2. Nobody can fail you without your permission.
3. Make peace with your past so that it won't screw up the present.
4. Your words once spoken can only be forgiven but can never be forgotten.
5. Time heals almost everything, give it time.
....your disappointment, your broken relationship, your
     setback, your shortcoming; give it time and it will surely be healed.
6. Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them. You have no idea of what their journey is
    all about.
7. Assumption is the mother of error. Please don't assume when you dont know the true fact.
8. Stop thinking too much, it's alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you
    least expect it.
9. No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
10. Smile; you don't own all the problems in the world.
11. The world has no free gift. Whatever the world offer to you; they will collect far beyond it.
12. Shortcut will only make you fast but wont take you far.
13. There is no return match in the game of life.
14. Cross bearing comes before crown wearing.
15. A tree can make 1,000,000 matchstick but a matchstick can burn 1,000,000 trees. So also a
      negative thought can change millions of dream. Think positively.
16. A pleasing thing may not necessarily be a pleasant thing. A good idea may not necessarily be a
      God given idea.
17. If you learn to translate every event of your life into a positive one; you will stop being a prisoner
      of your past and become the architect of your future.
18. Worry only shows you how impossible and terrible things are. Worry drains and dries strength to
      wait on God.
19. Patience is not about waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
20. You cant change what has already happened; so choose to look ahead instead of behind you.

These are just few of the basic rules of life. Stay blessed

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