Thursday 23 July 2015

Impact a Child - A Sandal for a Feet

Good day my ardent friends and fans, sequel to our ealier post - service to humanity - we introduce  our current project at hand titled ''Impact a Child - A Sandal for a Feet".

"Impact a Child - A Sandal" for a Feet  is a project that is initiated by
Mr. Tom Alims in conjuction with Blue Galaxy Consult to help meet the need of our Nigerian children who find it difficult to afford sandals to school.

We solicite your support to put a smile on the faces of the children who can not afford sandals to school due to the rate of poverty in our society. Help put a smile on a child's face today in the little way you can.

Your financial contribution will go a long way to help this kids who are the Leaders of tommorrow.

May God bless you as you assist in our projects. Amen.

To send your contributions and support pls contact us on:



PHONE:              07038036013, 07050823079

BBM:                 239FCE66

1 comment:

  1. I love to support you fully... I will get back to you soonest
